
Communication is the Key!

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Ever wondered what do others do differently that they're always updated, connected and appreciated...well all they do is communicate. Communicate well and regularly; it helps build ties, deepen bonds and clears the air.

Kailash Satyarthy: A Different Hero

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When global media sanctify few well deserving social heroes but ignore other hidden personalities like Kailash Satyarthi, we should always be aware of having too much visibility and clamor even if it is totally justified. After all the concept of social justice should not be that controversial nor radical but often times only radical approaches achieve the desired change.

The AIN Should Take the Offensive against Bashing

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The Association of International NGOs, (AIN) needs to raise it is own stakes. It is no enough anymore to say that all members are compliant with the Government’s regulations. We all know that government agencies are not well coordinated among themselves and the reporting standards set by the SWC can leave loopholes. AIN must go the extra mile while dealing with transparency and accountability

Eternal Sign of a Spotted Mind

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Relationships are meant to to be cherished and give a sense of belonging. We humans so to say are best at it when compared to other species. However what we think and how we represent it makes all the difference.