The Global Business Collaboration for Better Workplace Mental Health

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Now, more than ever, poor mental health is on the rise.

Young people in particular are struggling, with a staggering 48% of Gen Z and 44% of Millennials1 reporting that they feel stressed most or all of the time. This not only impacts the communities in which we live, but the places that we work. 

These rising numbers, coupled with the costs associated with lost productivity, highlight the need for urgent action by business leaders.

1 Deloitte Global Millennial Survey 2020.

The Global Business Collaboration for Better Workplace Mental Health 

Despite important progress in some countries, there remains a lack of evidence, best practice and tools, to effectively implement global approaches to workplace mental health. This challenge is exacerbated by the cultural complexities and stigma associated with mental health across the world. 

Together with academic experts, multilateral institutions, and not-for-profit organisations, we want to create a world where all workplace leaders recognise, have the right tools, and commit to take tangible and evidence-based action on mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, enabling their workplace to thrive.

This initiative seeks to advance progress across the globe by committing senior leaders to a Pledge to create mentally healthy workplaces, as well as by sharing insights and best practice across workplaces to build out a Roadmap for change, wherever an organisation is on their journey.


The Leadership Pledge

Despite some progress over the past years, there remains significant workplace stigma and bias attached to mental ill health. There also remains a lack of evidence on the best methods for employers to provide appropriate support. If this is to change, improving mental health in the workplace must be a priority for all workplace leaders globally.

As a responsible business leader, I recognise that I play a critical role in raising awareness and enabling support for people within my organisation. By signing this pledge, I commit to playing my part by making mental health a visible priority in every region in which we operate.

My organisation will:


  1. Develop and deliver an action plan to support good mental health in our organisation.
  2. Promote an open culture around mental health, working towards eliminating stigma.
  3. Take proactive steps to develop our culture and ways of working towards creating positive mental health and reducing mental ill-health
  4. Empower all our people to manage and prioritise their own mental health, and to support one another.
  5. Signpost our people to mental health tools and support they need.
  6. Regularly measure the impact of our efforts, being open about our progress, to influence and inspire change in our organisation and beyond.


Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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