OECD Leed Forum: Forum for Local Development Practitioners, Enterpreneurs, and Social Innovator, (18 and19 September, Portugal)

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Why attend?

The Forum will gather over 300 participants from the local, national and international level, including mayors, employers, social innovators, entrepreneurs, as well as national government leaders to discuss how the megatrends are impacting jobs, workplaces, and local economic development opportunities.

The Forum will aim to address the following key questions:

  • How can national and local leaders better prepare people and places for the new world of work?
  • What new jobs and opportunities will entrepreneurs and social innovators bring to the table?

What's the issue?

Megatrends related to digitalisation, automation and the development of the ‘gig’ economy are reshaping the way people live and work. A significant proportion of jobs will change or disappear altogether but the new world of work also creates unprecedented opportunities for both people and places to transform society and promote inclusive growth.

By 2019, it is estimated that 1.4 million new industrial robots will be installed in factories around the world. The pace of technological change requires that we rethink local and regional development policies. Some communities are going to be harder hit than others and must look for new ways of creating quality jobs.




Day 1 | 18 September 2018

09:30 - Opening

10:00 - Report launch: Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018

11:30 - Plenary Session 1: Rethinking local employment and skill policies

14:15 - Plenary Session 2: Social innovation for a more inclusive labour market

15:30 - Thematic workshops in the City of Porto   Off-site 

  • A. Making training more relevant  in a digital world
  • B. Entrepreneurship and start-up support in cities
  • C. Women’s entrepreneurship in the digital economy
  • D. Financing social innovation for the future 

20:00 - Dinner


Day 2 | 19 September 2018

09:00 - Thematic Workshops

  • E. Labour markets of the future: A foresight exercise
  • F. “Smart” cities: Opportunities, challenges, and risks of digitalisation 
  • G. Supporting regional industrial transition
  • H. Creative jobs: Maximizing the impact of culture on local development

11:00 - Plenary Session 3: Enablings small firms and entrepreneurs to thrive

12:15 - Closing session: Ways forward

14:00 - Local lessons from Braga and Viana do Castelo   Off-site


Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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