AVPN ACADEMY: Join the Catalytic Capital Case Study Learning Series

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Asia sees a growing number of untapped opportunities to support innovative solutions that address complex problems in underserved populations and underfunded sectors.

In response, a catalytic capital approach seeks to address these challenges with investments that are patient, risk-tolerant, concessionary, and flexible in ways that differ from conventional investment, with the ability to de-risk and mobilise additional investment from mainstream investors.

Be part of a case study learning series with funders and investors. Together, learn how your are able to ensure the additionality of your capital, address issues on the ground, and achieve your return objectives. Dig deeper on how it is well-placed to build proofs-of-concept, scale, and sustain the development of ground-breaking solutions which other funds might deem too risky.



Harvey Koh
Senior Advisor
C3, Dalberg, and FSG
Lead Faculty
Harvey is an independent consultant, and serves as senior advisor to the Catalytic Capital Consortium (C3), Dalberg and FSG.

Harvey brings over two decades of experience across venture philanthropy, strategy consulting and international development. He has worked extensively with donors, investors and companies to develop and scale inclusive business models that benefit the poor. His experience spans the housing, water, healthcare, energy, vocational training and livelihoods sectors, in India, Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Harvey has also directed influential research to advance thinking and practice, notably introducing the concept of the 'pioneer gap' in impact enterprise and investing. His work has featured in publications such as the Stanford Social Innovation Review, and he is a regular speaker at leading conferences, universities and other institutions.

Harvey sits on the trustee boards of EYElliance and Social Innovation Exchange (SIX).

What is the C3 Social Finance Centre (SFC) Case Study Learning?
The Catalytic Capital Case Study Learning Series is a three-part online learning series designed to address knowledge gaps in the Catalytic Capital space and allow participants to grow a deeper understanding of catalytic capital, as well as seek practical advice on how to approach problems with a Catalytic First approach.

The theme and focus of the learning series are:

  • Seeding
  • Scaling
  • Sustaining

What are the benefits of joining the session?

  • seek advice from experts in a virtual lecture and discussion
  • engage with a community of fellow practitioners and learners
  • gain understanding of how social finance advances social good

What are the learning outcomes of this series?

  • gain conceptual and applied knowledge of catalytic capital
  • consider potential applications within your organisation
  • design catalytic capital approaches

What is the time commitment required?
The learning journey is 9 hours comprising of a one-hour induction session, 3.5 hours of asynchronous pre-work, and three 1.5-hour virtual sessions. Learners are given pre-work that will be accomplished asynchronously. This includes reviewing a case digest and submitting output based on the given material. All registrants will afterwards gather virtually for a faculty-led lecture and discussion to take a deep dive into the given case and social finance solution.

For more questions, reach out to academy@avpn.asia


Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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