Celebrating International Volunteer Day 2014 in Kathmandu

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Today we celebrate International Day of Volunteer.  It should be a big deal for many of us as the role of volunteers not only in Nepal but also all over the world should be always recognized and appreciated. Yet who is a volunteer? How can we define a person as a volunteer?

Part time, full time, formal, informal, religious, and traditional or even political activism?

There are so many ways to look at volunteerism.

 It is an interesting debate but surely we should all do more not only to understand more about the contributions volunteers are making but also the society at large should do more to celebrate and recognize their role and incredible, often crucial involvement.


This morning we were at Himalayan Hotel for the commemoration. It was not a huge event but it was nice to be surrounded by so many volunteers from all over the world.  His Excellency the Ambassador of Australia made a very important remark about what defines a volunteer: The sense of community s/he shares with other.  The work done by volunteers can be small or big but definitely are all driven by passion, determination to do a bit of good. Therefore volunteers wherever they are active do develop a strong sense of belonging. This is the most important thing.

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