The UN has issued the UN Secretary-General’s report exploring the long-term impacts of current trends on the realization of the SDGs. The report calls for tangible and holistic responses at all levels that prioritize policies aimed at revitalizing inclusive, sustained, and sustainable economic growth while reversing geoeconomic fragmentation.
The report underscores that the multiple and interlinked challenges facing the world today affect countries’ capacity to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs, as pledged by world leaders in the political declaration of the 2023 SDG Summit.
The report analyzes five interconnected and mutually reinforcing trends with potential long-term impacts on the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: the impact of geopolitical tensions on the global economy; changing labor markets; rapid technological change; continuing and intensifying adverse impacts of climate change; and the evolving nature of social contracts. Acknowledging that “certain aspects of those trends can yield constructive outcomes,” the report warns about “negative impacts with the potential to hinder and reverse progress across the Goals, which would be faced predominantly by vulnerable countries and communities.”