Why Do You Hate US?

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President Trump,
Why do you hate me?
We’ve never met,
You don’t even know my name,
You know nothing about me,
But you attack me all day, every day.
Maybe it’s not me,
Maybe it’s others
But, yet
You hate me
You want to take away my health care
You want to take away my right
To speak out
You want to shutter my news
And believe only what you think.
You separate our families and
Take our livelihoods
What do you want from US?
Have I done something to offend you?
What about my brothers and sisters,
Who have a different skin color,
Speak a different language
Who are LGBTQ
Who believe in science and also in God.
Why do you hate them?
Why do you maintain the past?
Why do you hate US?
You don’t care about any other lives but your own
What did your family do to you?
Did they beat you?
Cause you mental anguish,
That you are now taking out on US?
Why do you hate this Country?
Why do you want to destroy us?
Why do you want us to kill one another?
Please LEAVE
Please GO
Leave US in PEACE
Why do you hate US?


Position: Lover of Life-Change Agent

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