Orphanage Voluntourism

NGN's Widsom Wednesdays: A Series of Talks on Child Rights and Ethical Volunteering

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Next Generation Nepal is running a series of talks and discussions, by child rights activists and ethical tourism experts, on ethical tourism and volunteering in Nepal. They are being held most Wednesdays at 5pm in Paddy Foley's Irish Pub and Restaurant, opposite Kathmandu Guest House, Thamel. Starting at 5:00pm and running until 6:30pm. They are FREE!!! Please join us!!!

Knowledge, Power and Inequality: Why I Wrote The Paradox of Orphanage Volunteering

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Martin Punaks - the Country Director for Next Generation Nepal - explains why he decided to document the links between orphanage voluntourism and child trafficking. He reflects on his own experiences of voluntourism and how this influenced his motives for writing his report, The Paradox of Orphanage Volunteering.